Results for 'Vincent R. Hentz'

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  1. Use of the transverse carpal ligament for soft tissue reconstruction of a Mannerfelt lesion.Raymond Tse, Jeffrey B. Friedrich & Vincent R. Hentz - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 1--3.
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    An analysis of the residual strains in epitaxial tin films.R. Vincent - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (162):1127-1139.
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    The problem of the unexamined individual.R. H. Vincent - 1964 - Mind 73 (292):550-556.
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    Goodman and relevant conditions.R. H. Vincent - 1961 - Philosophical Studies 12 (1-2):28 - 29.
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    Corroboration and Probability.R. H. Vincent - 1963 - Dialogue 2 (2):194-205.
  6.  10
    Viral sequences required for neurovirulence of poliovirus.Vincent R. Racaniello - 1986 - Bioessays 5 (6):266-270.
    Polioviruses of reduced neurovirulence contain point mutations in the viral RNA that are responsible for the attenuated phenotype. Two such point mutations have been identified in the genomes of the Sabin live oral vaccine strains, one in the 5′‐noncoding region of the viral RNA, and one in capsid polypeptide VP3.
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    Caregiver decision-making concerning involuntary treatment in dementia care at home.Vincent R. A. Moermans, Angela M. H. J. Mengelers, Michel H. C. Bleijlevens, Hilde Verbeek, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterle, Koen Milisen, Elizabeth Capezuti & Jan P. H. Hamers - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):330-343.
    Background: Dementia care at home often involves decisions in which the caregiver must weigh safety concerns with respect for autonomy. These dilemmas can lead to situations where caregivers provide care against the will of persons living with dementia, referred to as involuntary treatment. To prevent this, insight is needed into how family caregivers of persons living with dementia deal with care situations that can lead to involuntary treatment. Objective: To identify and describe family caregivers’ experiences regarding care decisions for situations (...)
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    A note on some quantitative theories of confirmation.R. H. Vincent - 1961 - Philosophical Studies 12 (6):91 - 92.
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    Proverbs 17.6b (LXX) and St. Ambrose’s Man of Faith.Vincent R. Vasey - 1974 - Augustinianum 14 (2):259-276.
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    Concerning an alleged contradiction.R. H. Vincent - 1963 - Philosophy of Science 30 (2):189-194.
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    On my cognitive sensibility.R. H. Vincent - 1963 - Philosophical Studies 14 (5):77 - 79.
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    Popper on qualitative confirmation and disconfirmation.R. H. Vincent - 1962 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 40 (2):159 – 166.
  13.  14
    The epitaxial growth of cobalt on copper.A. I. Fedorenko & R. Vincent - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (187):55-62.
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    Selective confirmation and the Ravens.R. H. Vincent - 1975 - Dialogue 14 (1):3-49.
  15.  52
    The paradox of ideal evidence.R. H. Vincent - 1962 - Philosophical Review 71 (4):497-503.
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    The male fight‐flight response: A result of SRY regulation of catecholamines?Joohyung Lee & Vincent R. Harley - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (6):454-457.
    Graphical AbstractThe SRY gene, which is located on the Y chromosome and directs male development, may promote aggression and other traditionally male behavioural traits, resulting in the fight-or-flight reaction to stress.
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    Logical Foundations of Probability. By Rudolf Carnap. Second edition, 1962. The University of Chicago Press. Pp. xxii and 613. $10.00. [REVIEW]R. H. Vincent - 1963 - Dialogue 2 (1):97-101.
  18.  35
    Statistical and Inductive Probabilities. By Hugues Leblanc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1962. Pp. xii, 148. Trade edition $6.65; text edition $5.00. [REVIEW]R. H. Vincent - 1964 - Dialogue 2 (4):475-480.
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    The Concept of Method. By Justus Buchler. Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1961, pp. viii, 180. $4.00. [REVIEW]R. H. Vincent - 1962 - Dialogue 1 (2):220-221.
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    The Popper-Carnap Controversy. By Alex C. Michalos. The Hague, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, 1971. Pp. x and 124. Guilders 22.50. [REVIEW]R. H. Vincent - 1973 - Dialogue 12 (2):365-370.
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    An effective metacognitive strategy: learning by doing and explaining with a computer‐based Cognitive Tutor.Vincent A. W. M. M. Aleven & Kenneth R. Koedinger - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (2):147-179.
    Recent studies have shown that self‐explanation is an effective metacognitive strategy, but how can it be leveraged to improve students' learning in actual classrooms? How do instructional treatments that emphasizes self‐explanation affect students' learning, as compared to other instructional treatments? We investigated whether self‐explanation can be scaffolded effectively in a classroom environment using a Cognitive Tutor, which is intelligent instructional software that supports guided learning by doing. In two classroom experiments, we found that students who explained their steps during problem‐solving (...)
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    Dilatational viscoplasticity of polycrystalline solids with intergranular cavities.R. A. Lebensohn, M. I. Idiart, P. Ponte Castañeda & P. -G. Vincent - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (22):3038-3067.
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    Nitric oxide and synaptic plasticity: NO news from the cerebellum.Steven R. Vincent - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):362-367.
    Interest in the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the nervous system began with the demonstration that glutamate receptor activation in cerebellar slices causes the formation of a diffusible messenger with properties similar to those of the endothelium-derived relaxing factor. It is now clear that this is due to the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent activation of the enzyme NO synthase, which forms NO and citrulline from the amino acid L-arginine. The cerebellum has very high levels of NO synthase, and although it has low (...)
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    Another Look at the PhilosophesThe Age of Ideas, from Reaction to Revolution in Eighteenth-Century France.Vincent Buranelli & George R. Havens - 1957 - Journal of the History of Ideas 18 (1):128.
  25. 9th International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications (COGNITIVE'17).Vincent Gripon, Olga Chernavskaya, Paul R. Smart & Tiago Thompsen Primo (eds.) - 2017
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  26. A constructivist connectionist model of transitions on false-belief tasks.Vincent G. Berthiaume, Thomas R. Shultz & Kristine H. Onishi - 2013 - Cognition 126 (3):441-458.
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  27. Lessons for responsible innovation in the business context: a systematic review of responsible-, social- and sustainable innovation practices.Vincent Blok, R. Lubberink, J. Van Ophem & O. Omta - 2017 - Sustainability 5 (9):721.
    This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing conceptual debate on responsible innovation, and provides innovation practices and processes that can help to implement responsible innovation in the business context. Based on a systematic literature review of 72 empirical scholarly articles, it was possible to identify, analyse and synthesise empirical findings reported in studies on social, sustainable and responsible innovation practices in the business context. The synthesis of the included articles resulted in a refined framework for responsible innovation in the (...)
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    No more news from the cerebellum.Steven R. Vincent - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):490-492.
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    Lexikálno-sémantická rekonštrukcia.Vincent Blanár - 1984 - Bratislava: Veda, vydavatel̕stvo Slovenskej akadémie vied.
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    Relative contributions of the face and body to social judgements: emotion, threat and status.Brittany R. Vincente, Daniel N. McIntosh & Catherine L. Reed - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (8):1285-1302.
    Do the nonverbal signals used to make social judgements differ depending on the type of judgement being made and what other nonverbal signals are visible? Experiment 1 investigated how nonverbal signals across three channels (face: angry/fearful, posture: expanded/contracted, lean: forward/backward), when viewed together, were used for judgements of emotion, threat, and status. Experiment 2 replicated Experiment 1 and explored how use of the body channels differed in making social judgements when the face channel was obscured. Both experiments found facial anger (...)
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  31. Covid-19 and the onlineification of research: kick-starting a dialogue on Responsible online Research and Innovation (RoRI).R. Braun, Vincent Blok, A. Loeber & U. Wunderle - 2020 - Journal of Responsible Innovation 3 (7):680-688.
    The COVID-19 crisis opened up discussions on using online tools and platforms for academic work, e.g. for research (management) events that were originally designed as face-to-face interactions. As social scientists working in the domain of responsible research and innovation (RRI), we draft this paper to open up a dialogue on Responsible online Research and Innovation (RoRI), and deliberate particular socioethical opportunities and challenges of the onlineification in collaborative theoretical and empirical research. An RRI-inspired ‘going online’ approach would mean, we suggest, (...)
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    The Taiping Ideology: Its Sources, Interpretations, and Influences.David R. Knechtges & Vincent Y. C. Shih - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):128.
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  33. Learning Organization for Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation; Unravelling the intricate relationships between Organizational and Operational LO Characteristics.E. Osagie, R. Wesselink, Vincent Blok & M. Mulder - 2020 - Organization and Environment 1 (1).
    Because corporate social responsibility (CSR) is potentially beneficial for companies, it is important to understand the factors that improve a company’s CSR practice. Scholars hypothesize that facilitating learning organization characteristics, which are divided in characteristics at the organizational and the operational level, may improve CSR implementation. These characteristics stimulate companies and their members to be critical, learn from the past, and embrace change, but there is limited empirical evidence of this approach. This study addresses this gap by surveying 280 CSR (...)
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  34. A Framework for Responsible Innovation in the business context: Lessons from responsible-, social-, and sustainable innovation.Vincent Blok, R. Lubberink, O. Omta & Ophem J. Van - 2017 - In L. Asveld, R. Van Dam-Mieras, T. Swierstra, S. Lavrijssen, K. Linse & J. Van Den Hoven (eds.), Responsible Innovation. Springer International Publishing. pp. 181-208.
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  35. Challenging the ideal of transparency as a process and as an output variable of Responsible Innovation: The Case of ‘the Circle.Vincent Blok, R. Lubberink, Belt H. Van der, S. Ritzer, H. Kruk & G. Danen - 2019 - In Robert Gianni, John Pearson & Bernard Reber (eds.), Responsible Research and Innovation. Routledge. pp. 225-244.
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  36. Conclusion : towards the future of the ethics of war and peace.Daniel R. Brunstetter & Jean-Vincent Holeindre - 2018 - In Daniel R. Brunstetter & Jean-Vincent Holeindre (eds.), The ethics of war and peace revisited: moral challenges in an era of contested and fragmented sovereignty. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
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    How and why teachers engage students with data.Jo Beth Jimerson, Vincent Cho, Kimberly A. Scroggins, Ritu Balial & Reginald R. Robinson - 2018 - Educational Studies 45 (6):667-691.
    ABSTRACTJust as accountability policies have led to increased levels of teacher data use, teachers have begun to increase the extent to which students track and analyse data about their own learnin...
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    The Vertebrate Tooth Row: Is It Initiated by a Single Organizing Tooth?Alexa Sadier, William R. Jackman, Vincent Laudet & Yann Gibert - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (6):1900229.
    Teeth are one of the most fascinating innovations of vertebrates. Their diversity of shape, size, location, and number in vertebrates is astonishing. If the molecular mechanisms underlying the morphogenesis of individual teeth are now relatively well understood, thanks to the detailed experimental work that has been performed in model organisms (mainly mouse and zebrafish), the mechanisms that control the organization of the dentition are still a mystery. Mammals display simplified dentitions when compared to other vertebrates with only a single tooth (...)
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    GTP‐binding proteins of the Rho/Rac family: regulation, effectors and functions in vivo.Xosé R. Bustelo, Vincent Sauzeau & Inmaculada M. Berenjeno - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (4):356-370.
    Rho/Rac proteins constitute a subgroup of the Ras superfamily of GTP hydrolases. Although originally implicated in the control of cytoskeletal events, it is currently known that these GTPases coordinate diverse cellular functions, including cell polarity, vesicular trafficking, the cell cycle and transcriptomal dynamics. In this review, we will provide an overview on the recent advances in this field regarding the mechanism of regulation and signaling, and the roles in vivo of this important GTPase family. BioEssays 29:356–370, 2007. © 2007 Wiley (...)
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    Effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on conditioned avoidance responding in mice and rats and the one-trial conflict test in rats.Paul C. Harrison, R. Duane Sofia & Vincent B. Ciofalo - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (4):207-210.
  41. Helping students know'further'-increasing the flexibility of students' knowledge using symbolic invention tasks.Ido Roll, Vincent Aleven & Kenneth R. Koedinger - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1169--74.
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  42. Integrating visual and verbal knowledge during classroom learning with computer tutors.Kirsten R. Butcher & Vincent Aleven - 2007 - In McNamara D. S. & Trafton J. G. (eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 137--142.
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    Multimodal imaging measures predict rearrest.Vaughn R. Steele, Eric D. Claus, Eyal Aharoni, Gina M. Vincent, Vince D. Calhoun & Kent A. Kiehl - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
    Rearrest has been predicted by hemodynamic activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) during error-processing (Aharoni et al., 2013). Here, we evaluate the predictive power after adding an additional imaging modality in a subsample of 45 incarcerated males from Aharoni et al. (2013). Event-related potentials (ERPs) and hemodynamic activity were collected during a Go/NoGo response inhibition task. Neural measures of error-processing were obtained from the ACC and two ERP components, the error-related negativity (ERN/Ne) and the error positivity (Pe). Measures from (...)
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  44. The ethics of war and peace in a world of contested and fragmented sovereignty.Daniel R. Brunstetter & Jean-Vincent Holeindre - 2018 - In Daniel R. Brunstetter & Jean-Vincent Holeindre (eds.), The ethics of war and peace revisited: moral challenges in an era of contested and fragmented sovereignty. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
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  45. Speculative philosophy.Carl R. Hausman, Charlene Haddock Seigfried, Vincent Colapietro, Crispin Sartwell, Patricia Ann Turrisi & Kathleen Hull - 1998 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 12:77.
  46.  13
    Human Choice Predicted by Obtained Reinforcers, Not by Reinforcement Predictors.Jessica P. Stagner, Vincent M. Edwards, Sara R. Bond, Jeremy A. Jasmer, Robert A. Southern & Kent D. Bodily - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  47. Contextualizing Individual Competencies for Managing the Corporate Social Responsibility Adaptation Process: The Apparent Influence of the Business Case Logic.Martin Mulder, Vincent Blok, Renate Wesselink & Eghe R. Osagie - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (2):369-403.
    Companies committed to corporate social responsibility should ensure that their managers possess the appropriate competencies to effectively manage the CSR adaptation process. The literature provides insights into the individual competencies these managers need but fails to prioritize them and adequately contextualize them in a manner that makes them meaningful in practice. In this study, we contextualized the competencies within the different job roles CSR managers have in the CSR adaptation process. We interviewed 28 CSR managers, followed by a survey to (...)
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    How can we be moved by magic?Pablo R. Grassi, Vincent Plikat & Hong Yu Wong - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    When engaging with magic, we are moved by seemingly impossible events that contradict what we believe to be possible in the real world. We are surprised, curious, and baffled when we cannot explain how the magic we are witnessing is possible. We generally understand the events to be illusions. But how is it possible to be moved by something we know to be unreal? This problem is related to the paradox of fiction in aesthetics. Here, we introduce the problem in (...)
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    Deep CNN and Deep GAN in Computational Visual Perception-Driven Image Analysis.R. Nandhini Abirami, P. M. Durai Raj Vincent, Kathiravan Srinivasan, Usman Tariq & Chuan-Yu Chang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-30.
    Computational visual perception, also known as computer vision, is a field of artificial intelligence that enables computers to process digital images and videos in a similar way as biological vision does. It involves methods to be developed to replicate the capabilities of biological vision. The computer vision’s goal is to surpass the capabilities of biological vision in extracting useful information from visual data. The massive data generated today is one of the driving factors for the tremendous growth of computer vision. (...)
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    Depressive symptoms related to low fractional anisotropy of white matter underlying the right ventral anterior cingulate in older adults with atherosclerotic vascular disease.Kelly R. Bijanki, Joy T. Matsui, Helen S. Mayberg, Vincent A. Magnotta, Stephan Arndt, Hans J. Johnson, Peg Nopoulos, Sergio Paradiso, Laurie M. McCormick, Jess G. Fiedorowicz, Eric A. Epping & David J. Moser - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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